
Elias presents ... a worm!    Thoughts on family, philosophy,
and technology


Thursday, March 16, 2006


During Elias's 19th month, he...

  1. solidly abstracted from first level abstractions, e.g., he really gets that "animal" means cats+dogs+etc now
  2. decided that he likes the BINGO song ("there was a farmer had a dog..."), and loves the ELIAS versions I created of it ("there was a baby sister who had a big brother..." and "there was a mama/daddy who had a son...")
  3. got good at going right to sleep once Daddy and him lay down
  4. got his own table with two chairs, one is for baby sister
  5. often said "right there" and "no no no!" and "Daddy pick [me] up!"
  6. used different forms of verbs more and more comfortably in simple three word sentences, e.g. "mama drinking water"
  7. learned to spell his name thanks to aforementioned song
  8. started to learn to count to 30 thanks to the "numbers" song, which is really just numbers sung to the ABC song -- I'll pause and let him fill in the number, and usually he gets it right, though when he should say something like "twenty-six" he just says "six", but he likes to say "thirty"
  9. had a really bad cold and gave it to Mama and Daddy and then they felt like they were going to die and they both went to the doctor
  10. started to really appreciate that his baby sister is coming soon


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