During Elias's 19th month, he...
- solidly abstracted from first level abstractions, e.g., he really gets that "animal" means cats+dogs+etc now
- decided that he likes the BINGO song ("there was a farmer had a dog..."), and loves the ELIAS versions I created of it ("there was a baby sister who had a big brother..." and "there was a mama/daddy who had a son...")
- got good at going right to sleep once Daddy and him lay down
- got his own table with two chairs, one is for baby sister
- often said "right there" and "no no no!" and "Daddy pick [me] up!"
- used different forms of verbs more and more comfortably in simple three word sentences, e.g. "mama drinking water"
- learned to spell his name thanks to aforementioned song
- started to learn to count to 30 thanks to the "numbers" song, which is really just numbers sung to the ABC song -- I'll pause and let him fill in the number, and usually he gets it right, though when he should say something like "twenty-six" he just says "six", but he likes to say "thirty"
- had a really bad cold and gave it to Mama and Daddy and then they felt like they were going to die and they both went to the doctor
- started to really appreciate that his baby sister is coming soon
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